CYOA: Sans interactivity

AIM: Pancaek Beast | E-mail: | Denny's House of Pancaeks

Amendment to angsty post, classes

Did I mention that my mailbox broke? I know that something broke that I forgot to mention in the whole falling apart thing.

Anyway, my dad and I fixed the garage door. We think. So now the net flux there isn't negative, maybe. Nonetheless, it's still a mess from the last mass construction project. I don't know if or when my parents will finally fix it. I can only hope against common sense that they'll find the time, energy, and will do it themselves.

In the hours right before I left, my mom started nagging about sorts of random stuff. I almost told her to stop talking, which is my habit, but then I realised it was her only way of communicating. Right before I left, I also found out my dad had been sick just the day before.


ECE looks dull. Difficult. Involves lab writeups and problem sets.

Macroecon's lecture sucked. Professor is a rookie fresh off his PhD program, and I'm not sure if I'll be going. The only problem with skipping is that at its time slot, the opportunity cost of going is almost nothing. So unless I'm actually deriving negative gain from it, I'll keep going.

DiffEQ is actually pretty cool. Olin 155 was packed, as it had been when I started Linear Algebra (... was it so packed then? I can't remember...) and my professor reminds me of McClung. Short, slight, young, loud, redheaded, willing to make the "OH HO HO" type of statement. Made us laugh with stupid statements like 'You mean the white chalkboard?' Not as good as McClung - don't get me wrong, he was a MechE - but legit.

Freshman writing seminar looks gay. Er, the professor looks gay, that is. He said that he was a Performing Arts major for two years before switching to English. I believed him. He looked like hadn't quite outgrown that ... uh, defect. However, the class is my first on Tuesdays and Thursdays and transpires on North Campus. I really appreciate that, actually. Allows me to get up, go to class, and have breakfast right at Appel before treading town to Physics.

Physics III is gonna be cool. Professor's enthusiastic. Said class wouldn't be curved, which stood out to me. Really wants to make class better; told us repeatedly to go to Blackboard to fill out a survey that would let him determine what applications to discuss.

CS 101J is gonna blow, too, what with the reading involved. Augh.

'kay. Now I just need my Shakespeare books and the Econ books.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Coupla things

I've been working at my dad's company for the last two and a half weeks. Work is sparse and almost without exception requires me to be in front of a computer, meaning I'm chatting a lot of the time. Feeding a GameFAQs addiciton, though for some reason I think that cutting it off will be pretty easy come whenever. The mafia addiction, on the other hand, might be harder to wrangle. Well, I like a challenge.

Home life's falling apart. See my LJ entry for details, but basically, physically and spiritually it's deteriorating.

Set my course schedule. All according to Plan after Add/Drop period. Granted, I probably will eat around five meals a week. Physics III, DiffEQ, Macroeconomics, Shakespeare, Intro to Circuits for ECEs. Going back to school on Sunday. Hopefully will be sending some internship action over the next two weeks.

Some new interest in blogging. Steff's got hers up and about again. Finally. Also, this chick is just completly insane. And I figure, if I'm going to continue being a chauvinist, I might as well outdo my female peers.

Finally, this was too good not to post.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Song of the week

Lola, by The Kinks.

I blame Weird Al. Same reason I like American Pie and Like A Virgin, probably.

Oh, and first post of 2008 aww yeah best year ever gunna be

Sunday, January 13, 2008

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