CYOA: Sans interactivity

AIM: Pancaek Beast | E-mail: | Denny's House of Pancaeks

As it snows, I can't help but appreciate the Christmas episode of Darkwing Duck...

"C'mon, L.P. - Let's make like reindeer and fly!!"

Saturday, January 27, 2007

LazyTown - Eye of the Tiger

God help me.


Wanted: 30 to 60 seconds of text


I used to be so good at filling the white space.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Hell Yes.

It is back. Details later.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Senior slide ex machina

Jane, Physics, French, AcaDec... La la la la!!

At least I'm not taking Stats! La la la la...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Be Reborn

Idleness breeds contempt, and for that, I play games.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

You'll never get away with this, Steelbeak!


Another satisfied subscriber of the Cliche of the Month Club.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Kumon Competition Challenges, Multivariable Tests, Scatman John, House. Such endorphin-releasing activities on such an innocent Tuesday.

But in terms of pure chemistry, nothing quite compared to the two commercials I saw for 24 today.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Get up at 12:00p.m.

Start MV.

Finish at 4:00p.m.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

R.I.P. Melinda Samperi

Your loss is mine.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

143 Jane

George Hong to Jane Reynolds 11:02p.m. Jan 3


I might not be prepared with the reading for tomorrow due to overwhelming French homework, but I will try to get through as much of the reading as possible. Right now I am still knee-deep in editing, though, and might not be able to finish.


George Hong

Jane Reynolds to George Hong 12:53p.m. Jan 5

George,as always, I appreciate your honesty! :)

Ms. Reynolds
English Department


Devenons... dangereux

When I see something as brilliant as Darkwing Duck, I know it.

Friday, January 05, 2007

English, motherfucker!

It was the end of the year 2000. While all the politicians of the United States and of the world disputed the results of the presidential election, I was an ill-natured boy. I had entered my school in the last two years befroe junior high. All of the others students had known each other for a long time, and I was an alien. Knowing that I would not spend time with these people after six months, I believed that it was not important to meet new friends. So I was often rude, and I made fun of the students that tried to get to know me. I believed all of the words and biases of my French friend, which was my elder.

It was with this mentality that I received a Nintendo 64 game for Christmas that year. My dad had bought me The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. My friend had told me that Zelda games were a bad series, and I thought that playing this game could not be fun. But even at the age of eleven years, I appreciated what my dad tid to try to please me, and I did not complain about it.

Technically, Majora's Mask was brilliant. Visually, it was stunning. Link, the silent protagonist of the story, jumped, ran, and attacked with his sword, all in three dimensions. His body radiated detail, from the tips of his boots to the tip of his hat. Even though he never spoke, he seemed to have a lot of personality.

At first, Link was travelling on his horse, Epona, in a mystical forest. The fog surrouned him, and nothing was visible. Suddenly, two voices were heard. They belonged to two small fairies. They lated at our protagonist, and a little boy appeared, wearing a menacing mask. Laughter, fleeing, darkness. When Link came to, his body was not that which he knew - it wasn't even a human form. I was shocked when I saw him. I believed that I would like this hero, but he was so ugly now! And worse than that, Link had lost the power of his sword!

I was not all alone. One of the two fairies stayed with me. She was very unhappy; the boy had abandoned her. She and I didn't like one another at all, but we wanted to find the same boy, Skull-Kid. And so, against my will, she began to help me.

Continuing to play, I found the most surrealistic village that I had ever seen - even today, I shiver when I think about it. The first thing that leapt to my eyes was the moon. Even though the sun was shining, the moon threatened to fall into the Earth. The inhabitants of the village had very different reactions. Link and I quickly learned that the moon would destroy the village in exactly three days, seventy-two hours. Half of the villagers wanted to escape, but by the worst luck in the world, the most important festival of the decade had been scheduled to start in exactly three days, at midnight... And the most committed villagers couldn't free themselves of their bond to their village, and they decided from the start of the first day to stay in the village and to prepare for the festival.

Link and I obviously wanted to leave - we weren't part of this community. But the gardes didn't let us leave! Scared, I resigne myself to stop playing.. What type of game kills the player in three days? During the three days, I didn't do anything, except to go to the highest tower utnil the start of the carnival... All of a sudden, I saw him! The boy who had changed me! And he was holding something in my hand that belonged to me! I attacked him, and he tropped it. Voila - it was my ocarina. I took it and I played a song, and magically, the ocarina and the song sent me backwards in time. I arrived on the first day. What happened? It was definitely a miracle!

More importantly, I had returned to my former body. A mysterious man explained to me that Skull-Kid had stolen his mask and that it was the mask, Majora, that was evil and powerful. I accepted his demands and began to find means to defeat the stunning power of Skull-Kid and his stolen mask. To make myself stronger, I had to collect different masks, and on the way, I helped many different villagers. The mayor, the hotel, the farmer. Aritrated disputes, stopped thieves, united coiuples. I learned the problems, the fears, the dreams of almost every person who lived there. They all gave me rewards for my helping actions. I especially appreciated the changes in the characters that I helped; occasionally, a superficially very disagreeable man could show a really soft side of his personality after my help.

... But three days passed again and again... to survive, I had to play the ocarina all the time. Three days were simply not enough. Myself, I had more time than I needed because of my ocarina, but each time that I reversed time for myself, all of the other villagers forgot what I did to help them. I kept each thing that I ever won, but those who gave them to me, I did not often see the smiles or the eyes filled with tears of happiness on their faces - they were lost when I changed the time. I have loved The Legend of Zelda for six years now.

I finished the game before the return from vacation in January. When I came back, I had changed my attitude. I tried to find and to get to know new people. I was no longer rude to those who spoke to me about anything. For me, it was no longer important to know these people after this year. I knew that I would never again spoke to many of these classmates. But after the losses and the joy that I witnessed while playing the game over and over, I realised that knowing a friend even for a short period of time - six months - the joy of having this friend for this period of time greatly surpasses the sadness of the loss.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ellipse, discours direct, discours indirect, expressions de temps

C’était la fin de l’année 2000. Tandis que tous les hommes politiques des États-Unis et du monde se disputaient des résultats de l’élection présidentielle, j’étais un garçon méprisant. J’étais entré dans mon école dans les derniers deux années avant le collège. Tous les autres élèves se connaissaient depuis longtemps, et j’étais une extraterrestre. Savant que je ne passerais pas de temps avec ces personnes après six mois, je croyais qu’il n’était pas important de rencontre de nouveaux amis. Alors, j’étais souvent impoli, et je me moquais des élèves qui essayaient de faire ma connaissance. Je croyais tous les mots et tous les préjuges de mon ami français, qui était mon aîné.

C’était avec cette mentalité que j’ai reçu un jeu de Nintendo 64 pour le Noël de cette année. Mon père m’a acheté La Légende de Zelda: Le Masque de Majora. Mon ami m’avait dit que les jeux de Zelda étaient un mauvais enchaînement, et je pensais que jouer à ce jeu ne pouvait pas être amusant. Mais, même à l’age d’onze ans, j’appréciais ce que mon père faisait pour me faire plaisir, et je n’en ai pas plaint.

Sur le plan technique, Le Masque de Majora était brillant. Visuellement, il était étonnant. Link, le protagoniste muet de l’histoire, sautait, courait, et attaquait avec son épée, tout dans la troisième dimension. Son corps dégageait des détails, des bouts de ses bottes au bout de son chapeau. Bien qu’il ne parlât jamais, il semblait d’avoir beaucoup de personnalité.

Au début, Link voyageait à son cheval, Epona, dans une forêt mystique. Le brouillard l’entourait, et on ne pouvait rien voir. Tout à coup, deux voix se sont entendues. Elles s’appartenaient à deux petites fées. Elles ont ri a notre protagoniste, et un petit garçon a apparu, portant un masque menaçant. Rire, fuir, noir. Quand Link s’est réveillé, sa forme n’était pas celle qu’il connaissait – ce n’était même une forme humaine. Moi, j’étais choqué quand je l’ai vu. Je croyais que j’aimerais cet héro, mais il était si laid maintenant! Et plus mauvais que ça, Link avait perdu le pouvoir de son épée!

Je n’étais pas tout seul. Un des deux fées restait avec moi. Elle était très mécontente; le garçon l’avait abandonnée. Elle et moi, nous ne nous aimions du tout, mais nous voulions découvrir le même garçon, Skull-Kid. Et alors, contre ma volonté, elle a commencé à m’aider.

Continuant à jouer, j’ai découvert la commune la plus surréaliste que j’avais jamais vue – même aujourd’hui, je frissonne quand j’y pense. La première chose qui sautait aux yeux, c’était la lune. Bien que le soleil brillât, la lune menaçait de tomber sur la Terre. Les habitants de la commune avaient des réactions très différentes. Link et moi, nous avons vite appris que la lune détruirait la commune en exactement trois jours, soixante-douze heures. Une demie des habitants voulait bien échapper, mais par la plus mauvaise chance du monde, la fête la plus importante de la décennie a été programmé à commencer en exactement trois jours, à minuit… Et les habitants les plus engagés ne pouvaient pas libérer leur contrat à leur commune, et ils ont décidé au début du premier jour de rester dans la commune et de préparer la fête.

Link et moi, nous voulions naturellement partir – nous ne faisions pas parti de cette communauté. Mais les gardes, ils ne nous laissions pas partir! Effrayé, je me suis résigné d’arrêter de jouer. Quelle sorte de jeu tue le joueur en trois jours? Pendant les trois jours, je n’ai rien fait, sauf aller à la plus haute tour jusqu’au début de la fête… Soudain, je l’ai vu! Le garçon qui m’avait changé! Et il tenait quelque chose dans la main qui m’appartenait! Je lui ai attaqué, et il l’a laissée tombée. Voilà – c’était mon ocarina. Je l’ai pris et j’ai joué une chanson, et magiquement, l’ocarina et la chanson m’ont envoyé à l’envers dans le temps. Je suis arrivé au premier jour. Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? A coup sûr, c’était un miracle!

Et de façon plus importante, j’étais revenu à mon ancien corps. Un homme mystérieux m’a expliqué que Skull-Kid avait volé son masque et que c’était le masque, Majora, qui était malveillant et fort. <> J’ai accepté ses demandes et a commencé à trouver des moyens pour vaincre le pouvoir étonnant de Skull-Kid et son masque volé. Pour me rendre plus fort, il fallait ramasser des masques différents, et sur le chemin, j’ai aidé beaucoup des habitants de la commune. Le maire, l’hôtel, le fermier. Arbitrer des disputes, arrêter des voleurs, joindre des couples. J’ai appris les problèmes, les peurs, les rêves de presque chaque habitant. Ils m’ont tout rendu des récompenses pour mes actions d’aide. J’appréciais particulièrement les changes dans les personnages que j’aidais; de temps en temps, un homme très désagréable sur la superficie pouvait montrer un aspect très doux de sa personnalité après mon aide.

… Mais trois jours se sont passés encore une fois, et encore une fois… pour survivre, il fallait jouer l’ocarina tout le temps. Trois jours ne suffisaient pas simplement. Moi, j’avais plus de temps dont j’avais besoin à cause de mon ocarina, mais chaque fois que je renversais le temps pour moi, tous les autres habitants oubliaient ce que je faisais pour leur aider. Moi, je gardais chaque chose que j’ai jamais gagnée, mais ceux qui me les avaient données, je ne voyais pas souvent les sourires ou les yeux pleins de larmes de joie sur les figures – ils se perdaient quand je changeais le temps. J’adore La Légende de Zelda depuis six années maintenant.

J’ai achèvé le jeu avant le retour des vacances en janvier. Quand je suis revenu, j’avais changé mon attitude. J’ai essayé de trouver et de faire la connaissance de nouvelles personnes. Je n’étais plus impoli à celles qui me parlaient pour discuter n’importe quoi. Pour moi, il n’était plus important de connaître ces personnes après cette année. Je savais que je ne parlerais jamais encore à beaucoup de ces camarades de classes Mais après les pertes et la joie dont j’avais été témoin en jouant le jeu encore de plus et de plus, j’ai réalisé que connaitre un ami même pendant une période très courte – six mois – la joie d’avoir cet ami pendant cette période de temps surpasse grandement la tristesse de la perte.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

MV today

Bill: Why is eight a cool number?

Patrick: It's the cube of two!

Bill: Right. Also, eight times three is...

Everyone: 24!!

Remains my best class.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

La veille

It's January 1, but I'm going to write about December 31. Deal with it, mateys; I'm looking back already.

Got up at eleven o'clock after that traumatic dream. Finished off the last of the great college applications and was a free bird! So I killed around 250 enemies in Resident Evil 4 and wrote a bit. I'm finally on the second disc. This ought to be good.

In addition, I Marked of the Wolves for several hours today. At the blazing sixth level, Terry Bogard and company killed me thirty-two times before I gave up and had lunch. Also played online and discovered that I do better with characters that I never practice than I do with Rock Howard.

The last dinner of the best year of my life consisted of white rice, tomato and eggs, tofu and greens, nappa-chicken soup, white chicken, lotus roots, and avocado. An old bowl of ramen sat neglected by the wayside as we drank sparkling cider.

Of course there was no pleasant conversation, but on the surface, we were making all the right motions, and that counts for something, one hopes.

I had a lot of pie later, at around eleven-twenty. Pie is good.

So how did I spend the last minutes of 2006? I was downstairs alone, with lights off, starting the second disc of Resident Evil 4. It was a bitch of an area with new enemies who possessed kickass new skills. I hid as best I could, shooting, and drained the entirety of my healing-item stash. But I survived and saved. Then, in the dead silence, I walked into an empty room, and this zombie jumped onto me and started trying to eat me. I thrashed it off and fired with my Punisher at its chest, exploding its head into one of those ginormous tentacle things. It slashed me several times for massive damage, thanks to the Punisher's diminuitive stopping power. Just as I was about to die humiliatingly, my sister came downstairs and told me to come watch the ball drop.

I paused and turned off the GameCube, came upstairs, and watched 2006 tick away.

Monday, January 01, 2007

August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008